Our GP Federation

Primary Care Wirral is a not-for-profit GP federation, working with NHS general practices and partner organisations to deliver excellent and sustainable integrated healthcare services In Wirral.

Since 2016, we provide support for general practices in the Wirral area through representation, contract bidding, provision of supporting services and mutual collaboration.

Interested in what we do? Get in touch

Our Vision

Excellent and sustainable General Practice leading Primary Care.

Our Mission

To help General Practices in Wirral deliver the highest quality primary care services through collaboration with members, partner organisations and statutory bodies.

Our Values

Commitment To Quality Of Care – We believe that strong and sustainable GP services are the optimum way to deliver high quality primary care. We want to help general practices become stronger and more sustainable by improving their efficiency and effectiveness.

Improvement Through Collaboration – PCW is committed to represent its members through a collective provider voice. We are leading a collaborative model of care delivery between our members and other health and well-being providers in Wirral.

Integrity & Transparency – We are committed to being honest, ethical and fair in all our activities. We believe that integrity needs to go hand in hand with transparency in everything we do.

Innovation – We are open to new ideas that challenge conventional views and drive innovation to improve patient care. We are committed to using our knowledge and engagement to identify areas that need improvement, developing the best solutions for the benefit of our patients and professionals.

Investing In The Community – We are committed to investing our resources in the best interest of the community we serve. We do this through our member practices, helping them with activities that improve service delivery and patient care.

Our People

We are General Practice professionals working for General Practice professionals

Our team is made of experienced GPs, practice managers, nurses and other primary care staff, currently working with general practices in Wirral.

We understand the challenges involving the running of a small, medium or large general practice, because we experience them ourselves. Our goal is to provide realistic solutions that save time and improve the efficiency of our member practices, but we also excited about innovative ideas and learning new ways of doing things.

If you would like have a direct involvement in PCW either as a long term commitment or for a one off collaboration, please get in touch.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Our Members

We work with 24 general practices and 4 Primary Care Networks within the Wirral peninsula, covering over 70% of the population.

Member Practices remain independent organisations, whilst collaborating in the further development of local Primary Care.

We are open to all Wirral practices.

If you want to become part of our federation, please get in touch.

All Member Practices

Our Partners

We collaborate with organisations in the health and care sectors, local authorities, statutory bodies, universities and the third sector.

Our goal is to improve patient wellbeing by developing a collaborative and integrated place-based healthcare system for Wirral.

If you are an organisation interested in working with us and want to become a partner, please get in touch.