Commitment To Quality Of Care – We believe that strong and sustainable GP services are the optimum way to deliver high quality primary care. We want to help general practices become stronger and more sustainable by improving their efficiency and effectiveness.
Improvement Through Collaboration – PCW is committed to represent its members through a collective provider voice. We are leading a collaborative model of care delivery between our members and other health and well-being providers in Wirral.
Integrity & Transparency – We are committed to being honest, ethical and fair in all our activities. We believe that integrity needs to go hand in hand with transparency in everything we do.
Innovation – We are open to new ideas that challenge conventional views and drive innovation to improve patient care. We are committed to using our knowledge and engagement to identify areas that need improvement, developing the best solutions for the benefit of our patients and professionals.
Investing In The Community – We are committed to investing our resources in the best interest of the community we serve. We do this through our member practices, helping them with activities that improve service delivery and patient care.