Primary Care Wirral’s existing and successful partnership with Wirral University Teaching Hospital to provide Clinical Pharmacists in General Practice has been expanded to include the Primary Care Network Clinical Pharmacist role.
The arrangement represents a time and cost-effective solution for Primary Care Networks looking for Clinical Pharmacists who are already qualified from an accredited training pathway.
This is an alternative option to straight recruitment of Clinical Pharmacist, that reduces HR related efforts to reach and hire new candidates, or the need for upskilling existing staff.
Collaborating to source clinical pharmacists has been proven to be successful nationally and locally, particularly in relation to governance and supporting pharmacists to work at the top of their skill level.
The service is currently supplied to Healthier South Wirral, Brighter Birkenhead and Healthier West Wirral PCNs, however the offer is open to any GP network in Wirral.
Successful Partnership with WUTH
WUTH and Primary Care Wirral have worked together helping GP practices access the services of trained Clinical Pharmacists in Wirral since 2017, which places their existing partnership in an ideal position to support local Primary Care Networks.
“As a member of the Healthy Wirral Medicines Optimisation Board I can see that an integrated medicines service across Wirral is the way forward, working with partners across Wirral has already added huge value to GPs and patients,” said PCW Chief Officer Natalie Young-Calvert.
“We see the PCN pharmacists as building on our existing work which has been so popular with practices as a really positive next step in this direction.”
Clinical Pharmacists and Link Workers to be hired before 2020
Clinical Pharmacists are one of the key staff roles that must be fulfilled by PCNs as part of their new Network Contract DES.
By 2020 PCNs are expected to provide the services of Clinical Pharmacists and Social Prescribing Link Workers, and continue with the recruitment of Physician Associates (2020), First Contact Physiotherapists (2020) and First Contact Community Paramedics (2021), over the following years.
As part of its HR solution for PCNs, PCW is also helping PCNs recruit local and experienced Social Prescribing Link Workers.
As part of its HR solution for GP networks, Primary Care Wirral is also helping PCNs recruit local and experienced Social Prescribing Link Workers.
If you are involved in the development of a local PCN and would like to find out more details about how we can help you access Clinical Pharmacist, Link Workers or any aspect of setting up or running your GP network, please contact us on